Monday 12 October 2015

True North Day 6. 88 Shrines of shikoku

Notes. After 17 shrines. 
Hello I started in Tokushima  here I am again. 
Visiting shrines is not straight forward indeed it is like a Cook's tour of the small idyllic hamlets and byways of rural Japan here in Tokushima Prefecture there is a diverse range of scenery Mountains covered in Pines, Spruce and Maple. The river flats grow rice, pigs, chickens with small towns.  There is some manufacturing of farm machinery but not on a large scale. The whole prefecture seems to be Criss crossed with roads and by roads winding and bending around hills mountains and rivers. It is very confusing to keep True north in the mind. Hence my journey has sometimes gone the wrong way. 
The path of the Henro is clearly marked. But to avoid two mountain walks I decided to catch a train from #11 Shrine and hop off at Kuo station and visit in reverse order # 17,16,15,14,13 and Sunday walk the mountain trail to #12. Perfectly simple you may ask. I walked 32 klms most of it the wrong way a 9 hour day coming into a small Traditional Hotel after dark with headlight flashing is not my idea of a holiday. BUT. it was not raining. 
I was correct in my assumption that the walk from #11 to #12 with my full pack would have been too difficult for me.
After a fantastic Japanese breakfast caught the bus to the end of the bus route. It is 9 klm from bus stop to Shrine straight up.  (left my pack at a family grocery store). I bought some lunch and a sweat to take with me in my day pack. I left the store at 8.30 thinking I would have ample time to walk up and back. The bus left to go back at 2.30pm . 
The track was a killer took 4 hours. 
Shosanji  Shrine is  beautiful 200 year old trees protect it and stand sentinel to the test of time. The maple are just starting to change colour ialong with recent rain the forest is glorious. 
I share a meagre lunch with a Japanese Henro at the Shrine escarpment before we headed  back down together, it was good to be with a kindred soul, our language differed but our purpose was the same.
 Back to the time factor I did not dilly dally on the way. I just made the 2.30 bus to Tokushima. My book is done to # 17 Shrine. I am happy. 
Had a need to top up yen in Tokushima. 
Woke up sore and a little slow, when I stood up it got worse. Packed checked out and noticed that the streets were quiet had a coffee and an egg-bacon sandwich. 
Great it is a holiday. 
Banks all shut. 
No worries ATM, right, do you read Japanese? no. What to do? My body was telling me this is for a reason take a day off. 
Back to my 5 Tatami room where the train comes through every 15 minutes. Have been asleep since 11.00   Slept for 3 hours. 
Every thing has a reason! 

Buddha "thanks".

“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money".  Unknown. 

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