The beginning of Civilized man.
We passed through the Bazda Caves this valley housed ancient man. The caves were natural and extensive and were still in use by shepherds for sheltering the animals in the severe winters.
I sat and thought how easy, ample running water and in those days a supply of fresh meat with wild cattle, sheep donkey and deer in the area. Wild wheat and barley grew on the plains.
This is fertile crescent an area dubbed by historians and scientists alike as the area where civilisation as we know it began. The Fertile Crescent extends across Turkey Syria Israel Iraq and Iran.
Grain was the first to be domesticated. Then domestication of Sheep, Goats.
The Fertile Crescent Asia |
Grain was the first to be domesticated. Then domestication of Sheep, Goats.
Then came Pigs and Cattle in the next thousand years.
The rivers nourishing this area are the Euphrates and the Tigris both referenced in ancient scrolls.
II is believed early man noticed some grains grew bigger and did not drop off the husks making it easier to harvest a crop. They saved and planted these seeds and over centuries modified the wheat and barley. A reliable crop. And so the hunter gatherer becomes the farmer. Then sheep, goats cattle and pigs.
The farmers would have lived in groups for security. Villages. The villages would have got bigger and so creating a set of rules to live by would have been the next hurdle. There would have emerged a hierarchy.
The hierarchy would have ideas for themselves evoking social experiments. Moon And Sun Gods Pagen; Zoroastrian. A well read friend dubs it the land of Myth makers.
All in the Fertile Crescent. Then they would have migrated far and wide as the population exploded. Then came larger cities subsequently leveled and then rebuilt.
The area later became continually harassed by marauding tribes. Greeks, Armenian’s Crusaders, Mongol s from the East.. It is situated on the crossroads of civilization. Nothing really has changed read a copy of any paper and this area will be there on the front page.
Except nature is having its way with climate change. The area is becoming drier and more arid. Man has had his way denuding* all the hills of trees and overgrazing the area it is now exhausted.
The countries are now blessed with oil and gas.
* Historians believe the Byzantines hacked all the trees for boat and building purposes. In the 200-500AD periods.