Sunday 25 October 2015

A beautiful morning for a Mini-cruise. 88 Shrines Of Shinkoku.

Notes 21 October 2015
You will find me early this morning sitting outside a fish factory on the inlet at Tosa City. 
Why you ask? 
 There is a little ferry tied to the concrete Tsunamai wall that is to take me to 7 ports inside Meitoku Peninsula. That's about right for a mini-cruise. 
it is a glorious morning the water is mirroring the tall mountains, gentle sounds of bird song and the clunk of choppers dissecting the nights catch of Bonito and Mackerel. harvested by fishermen in high bowed long flatboats. The people around here are traditional Japanese with polite and correct attitudes. It is such a joy to travel free with no fear of harm, they respect and expect the same. 
I bummed a ride yesterday from temple 35 to Temple 36. I finally succumbed to the heat and just could not face a 16 klm walk back through the concrete jungle. The couple I rode with had a beautiful car. I was a bit ashamed as it was so clean I could smell myself. They did not seem to mind the smell or maybe they were to polite  I did notice they got my bag out of the boot real quick. 
Temple 36 Shorjuyi is high on a bluff watching out for sailors and all who go on the sea. I was lucky the local monk arrived with his huge conical shell (the biggest I have ever seen). It was near sunset. 
He blew the blessings. It sent shock waves through my body creating tingling. The temple and the mountain are as one and the sound had strange vibrations. It lasted for a few minutes but for me I will hear it forever. It was one of those moments 
"Buddha, Thank you for this wonderful  journey"
the lesson Respect. 

Now for this cruise sitting outside the fish factory please do not ask how I found it? It is embarrassing. 
The guy with solar panels,stove, boots and all arrives. 
The couple I have been tagging for a week arrive. (Ah so they must have jumped a bus or scammed a ride to have gotten here. Thinks me).
Enough the captain blows his horn and it is all aboard this gallant little ferry boat. The four of us have a great time sailing the sound on our mini cruise. Then-  
Yep walkies Henros. 
Me I am heading for the train. It is 57 klms to #37 and only 9 klms to the train that will get me to within 2 klms of the Shrine #37. 
The train wins. 

The train wins.  

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