Wednesday 7 October 2015

Day 1-2 going into 3. 88 shrines of Shikoku Japan

Hello it is a long time since I posted you. 
I write from seat 1D on a Jetstar flight bound for Cairns and onto Kansai International Japan. I have a plan to walk part of a 1300 klm pilgrimage - 88 Shrines of Shikoku. And to traverse the volcano Aso San  in Kyushu Japan. 
You ask why another pilgrimage?
 Cancer the grim sinister stalker has been part of my life for 9 years  post, present and  future. (My hope is to be rid of the curse this year). I have a  deep sadness! I have lost three old dear friends to varying types of this insidious disease. With each passing a little of my soul has gone with them. Never a day goes by I am not reminded of my good fortune to have escaped with my life and health. To enjoy my beautiful wife, children, the wonder of our little grandchildren and you my friend.  

For me to be on this journey is an honour, Following  the steps and spirit of those that have gone before on the path of enlightenment. I long to feel the sun and wind in my hair the rain on my face and see the vast panoramas. to meditate in sacred places.  I love to see how people live their every day lives constantly reminding myself I am only a traveller/guest in this land. To be as one with this wonderful earth. To truly live as a being, for me this is the purpose of this journey!

My start point is Kansai International Airport Japan. The plan is to overnite in Wakayama the ferry port for Takashima Shikoku. Takashima is the start point of the walk.. #1 Shrine. There is not time in my agenda to complete the 88 Shrines  but I will go as far as my legs will carry me. I must catch another ferry to Kyushu by the 1 Nov to traverse Aso San The Volcano is still active and dangerous. I understand strict procedures are in place. 
Gunna love this adventure!

"I hate it when people see me at the supermarket and they're like 'Hey, what are you doing here?' I tell them 'You know.. hunting elephants"  

Tuesday 6 October 2015
Wakyama city inn
Yep I was the main attraction at the breakfast hall - but hey I am not that bad looking that the young ladies giggle at me. Maybe it's adoration. "Yeh I hear in your dreams".
I must get from the hotel to the ferry.
 Pull into the JR Station too hard. 
 I know there is a rail line covering the 6 klms but it seems one has to change trains problem. 
So I walk. 
Fabulous way to get into the swing of things. Clean and neat with the usual traffic Not hot not wet. Make the ferry terminal but miss the ferry by 5 minutes next ferry 4 hours. Time to write and do some homework. There is no English signs or writing  in restaurants or transport   To date have had a lot of help.  Japanese are pretty cool about this stuff. Staying in a traditional tatami room in a good guest house. What the guide book did not say was it was near a rail line. 
“Travel works best when you’re forced to come to terms with the place you’re in.” – Paul Theroux

1 comment:

Rhonda Buttery said...

Thanks for the update. Have a wonderful pilgrimage. Also enjoyed the coolfunnyquotes page. Hugs Rhonda xx