Monday 16 April 2012

Hiccup on the road of life.

Hello and gooday.
Hello mates "I have been crook" as we say in Aussie.
I thought it time to correct a Hernia. Result of an earlier cancer operation. Here's me thinking it would be a quick in and out of hospital, Wrong again  the first operation  went pear shape and the surgeon had to go in and repair the repair another operation.  
Painful & expensive. Difficult for my family with a new baby due and Citt coming home to be here for the birth. 
Our mate Jo Hassan made me biscuits in the shape of red shoes.  Just to cheer me up.
But all is well now we have a beautiful grand-daughter. Citt has returned to "our world" and I am at last feeling good,

"Absolutely fabulous"  now we can resume our journey in Iran. The next leg is written and I will post in the next day or so.

Hope you are fine wherever you are. 
I had a great time on the net while I was crook and loved this clip. 
If it offends some just turn it off 
I like it as it is uplifting and taking the Micky out of establishment,

Life of Brian.

Next Post
Travelling from Esfahan to Kerman/Bam/Bander Abbas (on the Persian Gulf)

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