Tuesday 24 May 2011

Reflections: travelling on a public bus

On the buses

A man of indian extraction got on the bus at a small village. He was dressed in neat trousers and a pin striped shirt. What was exceptional this man wore clothes pressed to perfection his shoes were polished and he had an air of expectation. Where was he going?

Further along a young lady got on the bus dressed in a neat dress gathered at the waist with a beautiful buckle, the dress was knee length. She wore plain high heeled shoes and a matching immaculate handbag. Her hair was in a boy style. She looked so beautiful and poised. She only stayed on the bus for a few stops. Who was she meeting?

Then a man dressed in jeans,T shirt and windcheater [in this heat], He carried a plastic bag with his possesions in it. He had flip flops on his feet. But he carried with care a wet bundle of newspaper that looked like a huge bunch of flowers. Who were the flowers for?

In seats to the front of the bus sat a man and two women and a young girl. He gave up tickets for the four of them. He acted appropriately for me to surmise that he was a muslim man travelling with his two wives, I wondered why would a man subject himself to more than one wife? The full catastrophe.

Musings, questions and no answers.

We love to watch and talk to people travelling along. It is part of this journey called life.

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