Sunday 22 May 2011

KL Malaysia hot and sticky

Happy Campers leaving on a jet plane
Hi here we are in KL. There is a definite something about arriving by air in an Asian port. There is a feeling and a smell as soon as you step out of the plane.

The air is like, heavy. The smell is a mix of rotten vegetation, wet socks and exotic spices. I always feel like it is Far North Queensland without the cooking smells. I am at home.

The ride into KL is all palm trees, on a super highway past the Sepang Raceway.

The highway meets the gridlock around Sentral bus station.
Bukit Bintang Square with Petronas Towers in the background
KL is changing rapidly.The signs of wealth are everywhere - cars, dress, shops and apartments. The people are reserved and polite. Moslems have majority. The Chinese have the money, the Indians do the work and the Malays run the government. Forgive me if I am wrong but that is how I see it. Seems to be OK so far.

We took a walk, KL was hosting the youth festival in Bukit Bintang square. The crowds were excited and all the stars were out. Our dinner in the square, Malay Chicken Rice washed down with hot tea. We listened to the music and watched the generation that would run this vibrant country in a few years. They looked like any other kids full of life and expectations.

Tiger Beers in the local pub whiile taking a look at the super modern mall, some video snaps of buskers, train back to hotel and time to retire ready for the bus to Cameron HIghlands tomorrow.

Thanks for coming along.

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