Alfred P Murrah Federal Building

On Route 66 in Oklahoma City.
NW 6th Street and Robinson Avenue
Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA
The building was used as a Federal government agency building, housing agencies, child minding service and the YMCA.
A truck was driven beneath the building loaded with explosives and detonated. The perpetrators were Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.
McVeigh was convicted and executed.
Nichols was convicted and lives in jail for life.

The result was 168 dead including children. 150 injured. This does not include the psychological terror or trauma.
We visited the site and came away with a changed attitude to the whole security thing.
The question is: "Why carry out these horrific acts to innocent people?"
1. Pam and Cindy the helpful guard who wanted to know all about Australia and told us all about the monument and the city of Oklahoma and Route 66.

3. The memorial waters
4. Chairs for the people who will never return. The chairs are suspended on glass. (I felt the bird on the chair was a soul).
On Route 66 in Oklahoma City.
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