Las Vegas in the state of Nevada in the US of A is to us, One big hoot. It is the home of margaritas. The pinnacle of entertainment. The best eating houses. It is like the biggest theme park in the world.
You get what you ask for they say and this place puts th
at in a nutshell. Cheap is cheap and expensive is expensive. High rollers, Mum and Dads, dudes, girls, bar girls and boys, taxi drivers, larrikins,
nasties, pimps, call girls, prostitutes and pond life are all in full view all day and definitely after dark. The place hots up about 8.00pm and most of the restaurants close at 10.30pm. I suspect to drive the punters into the casinos that have food and bars with bands that belt out all sorts of rhythm and blues, rock, soul,
dueling pianos, solo singers and shows that go all night.
This blogger spotted a curfew sign on the road out of the strip. Dunno what it was about but will check it out for you in case you come this way and get caught out after dark (:

Now Vegas, 'the advertising says' is the home of Margaritas.
(a Margarita is a cocktail made of fresh lemon juice, demi sec liquor and tequila served in a glass ri
nged with salt. The fluid is sucked through the salt and therein a strange numbness ensues known as intoxication).
The point of this blogger writing this is Pam my new bride (after our
Graceland wedding in Vegas after 44.5 years of nuptial bliss) loves the stuff to distraction, AND we have found this beverage in places most have never heard of Irkutsk, Bagan, Malacca to mention a few. The better known locations are Bejing, Saigon, Shanghai, London, Vancouver and of course the most expensive drink ever purchased and drunk would definitely go to Copenhagen where it costs the same as a slab of fourex in Australia. So you do understand that Pam is a connoisseur of this particular beverage and it is a must have. Yes she is a fanatic.
This blogger has reason to write because they say this is the home and birth place of the Margarita [all say ahhh] and they have named several bars after that cocktail and even a casino/hotel called Margaritaville. The place has a huge menu of the different variations, colours, flavours

of the famous fluid. They even have gone so far in their amazedness to make different co
ntainers for the converted to suck the stuff and the place is packed 'wooowee!!'. The Mexican hooch is served in guitars, pails, long yard glasses and who knows what else if you have been to Vegas you may have seen them (must have been under a rock if you didn't).
But we found much to my new bride's (of 44.5 years) joy [and if she is happy believe me so am I!]
The first bar that Margaritas were served in Las Vegas. And Danny Hussong worked at the Casino. He misunderstood an order from an actress called MargaritaCansino who became famous

as Rita Hayworth. (: (if you believe then welcome to Vegas)
Viva Las Vegas the craziest place on earth. We have been to a Girlie extravaganza, 'Cher' at Caesars Palace, a magnificent production of 'The Lion King' and an 'Elvis Lives' show.
Been there done that and wanna come back soon.
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