Monday 3 October 2011

In search of Persia

You are invited to join us on the journey of a lifetime. 
"In search of Persia" A trip through antiquity.
If you want to look at the future? Look at the past!

  • Our itinerary. Citt and I meet up in Istanbul Turkey. 
  • Train to Ezerum Nourthern Anatolia ( Ancient Mesopatamia). 
  • We then bus it to the ancient sights to search for the remains of the Assyrians, Hittities, Babylonians, Byzantines, Crusaders, Mongols, Seljuks and if we have enough energy left the Modern Turks. (This list is not complete)
  • Southern Turkey and Iran are part of the "fertile crescent" an area reputed to be the source of  most modern agricultural species wheat, oats, cattle, sheep, goats owe their existence to the ancients, 
  • Religion was born at Goeble Teke 10,000 BC and the list goes on. 
  • Noah's Ark is reputed to be lodged on Mt Ararat. Yeah! Do you believe that? 

Fertile Crescent
There is a link here that is like reading "Lord Of the rings". Please spend a little time, easy to read history and it helps to understand how relevant it all is today.

We cross the border into Iran to "search for Persia".  This amazing  country that has been the scene of so much. Where civilization has been since 2,500 BC.  The site of the seventh wonder of the world.
 "The ancient city of Persepolis"
Described as the gate to the world.
Useful links to explore.

Are you coming? 
Don't pack a bag, or worry about the visas. The airline tickets and the train tickets are not important. Just join us. It means a lot to the journeyers (Citt and I) to have you with us. As lucky says, "lots a photos Malcolm"

Welcome aboard and let's go I am in Kuala Lumpur writing this waiting for a flight to Istanbul.

1 comment:

The Prestons said...

Cool, I'm there. Need a Persian history lesson. Enjoy