Our little holiday house Buttfield Cottage served us well from 1976 till 1981 when we returned to Australia with Kellie-Ann and Catherine (Citt).
New Romney is a Cinque port. The Cinque Ports cover the whole of the southern coast from Dover to Hastings.
In the late Anglo-Saxon era, the threat of Norse invasion was constant. For a time England had a Danish king in the person of Cnut (Canute) but after his death the Anglo-Saxon Edward the Confessor did his best to keep the Norse threat at bay.
The key to the security of the realm as Edward saw it was to control the English Channel. To this end he granted the ports of Sandwich, Dover, and New Romney, all in Kent, the right to keep all legal fees assigned in court cases. This was quite a profitable concession for the towns involved, and made them far more prosperous than most towns of similar size elsewhere in the country.
In exchange, the towns agreed to provide ships and sailors for defense when required by the crown. To the original three ports later added Hastings in Sussex, and Hythe, in Kent.
These five coastal towns made up the five ports (in Norman French the "Cinque Ports"). In the 13th century Rye and Winchelsea joined nearby Hastings and in the next century gained legal status as "Ancient Towns", affiliated with the Cinque Ports.
The need for defense was so great that a large number of other towns became allied to the major ports. Thus, inland Tenterden became an ally of Rye, and Pevenseyan ally of Hastings. This 'coastal confederation' reached a total of 42 towns at its medieval peak. Source http://www.britainexpress.com/History/cinque-ports.htm
In later years the Napoleonic Wars created alarm and the military canal was built along with the Martello Towers. The canal is a boaties dream and the Martello towers are for the tourists to gawk at. Later Adolf created WW2 and the ports were the first line of defense. Wooden tanks and field guns lined the foreshore. They fooled Adolf. Pill boxes were built along with concrete gun emplacements. These are still evident.
Walmer Castle near Deal (Kent) is the official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, a post little more than ceremonial today, but once of huge national importance.
Sir Robert Menzies was the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, 18 years 5 months and 12 days. He was a royalist and created the Australian Liberal Party. His awards are numerous from Univeristies throughout the world. source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Menzies#Retirement_and_Legacy
We spent some time with our friend Sandra who nows lives in the idylic surrounds of New Romney catching up
The churches are
Enjoy. To us this is one of the most interesting and beautiful areas of England. From here we travel to Eastbourne, Maidstone and back to London.
Image 1 Buttfield Cottage Church Rd New Romney ( our old holiday home)
Image 2 Map of Cinque Ports
Image 3 Chalk Cliffs
Image 4 Romney Cathedral
Image 5 Sandra and her mob. Tyler, Sonny, Beau and Daughter Rae. (Our God Daughter)
Image 6 Santas' Sleigh Romney Hythe and Dymchurch rail.
(Note the size of the engine) it is on a stand.
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