Sunday 29 March 2009

The great train Journey from the Singapore Tiger to the British Lion map of rail and ferry routes Singapore to London.

Hello Guess what? We are taking a train from Singapore to London Via Bangkok, PhomPhen, Hanoi, Beijing, Ulan Batur, Moscow, St Petersburg, Krakow, Berlin, Paris, London and Kent. It is the great train journey from the Tiger to the Lion. True we will only travel on iron rails except between Thailand and Vietnam( There are no trains). Iron rails across the greatest continent on earth. Numerous languages and untold diverse populations.
Our plan is to start in 4th Sept and be back mid November. Timing is due to the seasons.

Why?? Cause we can!


Citt Williams said...

got an itinerary on Google calendar yet?

Anonymous said...

Sounds a great trip - I'll be in Pommieland in October so maybe we can have a pint together. See you at SWAP soon I hope. Cheers Tim