Monday, 31 January 2011

You do not have to go far to get in an adventure. Aussie got it all!

The weather is crazy
Perth on post cyclone watch
The Murray area flooded with 42C (108f) degree heat.
Adelaide and Melbourne fire danger.
Bowen Queensland hit by Cyclone Anthony Sunday 

Now the mother of all cyclones.
Cyclone "Yasi".
This one is a whopper upgrading to a category 4 as we watch.
forecast a meter of rain and a storm surge of 1-1.5 metre. 
650 kms from one side to the other centre. Plus the sting in the tail.
Packing wind gusts of 270km per hour.

Our thoughts are with our fellows who are in the path of this killer 
Due to cross the coast AEST 2100-2400 Wednesday 2nd Feb 2011(+10 GMT)

Weather map published 11.30 1/Feb/2011 AEST 


Synoptic Chart (Clik)

Saturday, 15 January 2011

A scientific approach to the Aussie floods

as sea surface temps warm expect more water
An explanation from various sources.
Citt Williams ((teacup) is our youngest daughter presently a student at East Anglia University studying climate change.

Please drill down to your suburb on the Australian Govt map on the teacup blog for advanced flood maps and sea inundation.

Hope you are all safe.

Malcolm and Pam

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Queensland floods and tragedy

Mother nature cut loose. Lives lost people missing. 12/1/2011 The peak of the tide is due at 1500. King tide tomorrow.

75% of our state flooded the size of Texas
300 mil 12 inches of rain in 3-4 hours
The coast from Rockhampton to Brisbane 1000kms
All flooded from Barcaldine to the coast for the second time in 2 weeks.
Australia Flood - Toowoomba Brisbane Queensland 1

The scary bit is the whole mess of water will now go South. The Murray system is sure to flood and that is Australia's bread basket. Feeding not only us but South East Asia and China with Wheat and produce. Cotton crops are devastated near 20% of the worlds crop. Coal exports are at a stand still. China's steel mills and power plants will be hard pressed.
Queensland floods 2011
Australia has had a 7 year drought.
Last year at this time the State of Victoria had a fire storm devastating and wiping out whole towns.
Now the state of Queensland and it follows New South Wales and Victoria with some of South Australia faces unprecedented killer floods. The amount of water never before seen in our recorded history.

But there are bush fires in Western Australia.

Australia Flood - Toowoomba Brisbane Queensland 7

Core of my heart my country
Land of rainbow gold
For flood and fire and famine she pays us back three fold.
My Country
Dorothy MacKellar (1904)

See maps  of the flood areas. Brisbane  

These images are feeds from Flickr and Utube and are not my images. Thanks to those photographers.
This blog is for information of our friends and family

Our family and friends are safe. Some we know are inconvenienced but safe.
Family in Rockhampton, Mackay and Brisbane.
Thank you all for your concerns.