Las Vegas I am told is a modern miracle. As soon as they build a hotel they blow one down to build another to match it. Legendary Mafia City in the middle of the Desert the only industries being gambling, sex and entertainment. Why go to Las Vegas? Why not?
Our journey will start 9 May 2010 Brisbane International Qantas flight to Los Angeles and onto Las Vegas.
Cher, The Lion King and Jubilee tickets are booked. They say the stage of the Jubilee Cabaret show is two and a half times the size of a football field with over two hundred dancers, gotta see that.
Route 66. Interesting highway as it is really not a highway at all. Just what is left of the original mother road across America.
1926 The highway was formed by the AAA club of California to link Chicago Illinois in the East with Los Angeles California in the West. The distance is 2,448 miles. It crosses North America traversing 8 states. Crossing mighty rivers, huge plains, mountains, deserts and canyo

ns. Originally known as US 66.
The road was cut up by the national Interstate 40 giving Americans a no stop interstate highway that has no stop lights and no by ways or towns. This is fine if you want to get across America fast but what if you want to see and feel America and see the way it was and is?
Take the highway that's the best, get your kicks on Route 66.
The myth was born when Bobby Troupe a songwriter on his way to Hollywood to seek his fortune penned the song Route 66. This was recorded by Nat King Cole and later by Chuck Berry and now umpteen other artists and it is now the road is firmly known as Root 66.
It is historic. Congress supports the highway as a tourist attraction. That is fine but our research shows that the Route 66 in places is no more than a dirt road winding through derelict towns or ghost towns that time and progress have by passed. The Act of Congress is putting money into renovating and retaining the history of the mother road. This will take time.
The Route 66 Association has all the information if you are interested.
Our plans are to hire a mustang in Las Vegas, join the route in Needles, California and travel the route from West to East. Instead of East to West. We have a good reason for this. Indy 500 is on the next week in Indianapolis and that is also on our bucket list.
Stay subscribed with us and we will take you along to Las Vegas, across America on Route 66 and we will visit the brickyard in Indianapolis and watch the Indy 500.
We are gonna do the road trip in 13 days.
Why? Because we can!
If you ever plan to motor west, Travel my way, take the highway that is best. Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six. It winds from Chicago to LA, More than two thousand miles all the way. Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six. Now you go through St Louis, Joplin Missouri, And Oklahoma City is mighty pretty. You see Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico, Flagstaff, Arizona. Don't forget Winona, Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino. Won't you get hip to this timely tip: When you make that California trip, Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six. Won't you get hip to this timely tip: When you make that California trip, Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six. Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six. Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six.
Lyric Bobby Troupe as sung by Natalie Cole.